Karen Robards Books

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Karen Robards is a bestselling American novelist that writes historical and contemporary romantic suspense. She was born in Louisville, Kentucky. She attended the University of Kentucky from where she took a creative writing class.

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Order of Dr. Charlotte Stone Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 The Last Victim 2012 Description / Buy
2 The Last Kiss Goodbye 2013 Description / Buy
3 Her Last Whisper 2014 Description / Buy
4 The Last Time I Saw Her 2015 Description / Buy

Order of The Guardian Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 The Ultimatum 2017 Description / Buy
2 The Moscow Deception 2018 Description / Buy
3 The Fifth Doctrine 2019 Description / Buy

Order of Banning Sisters Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Scandalous 2001 Description / Buy
2 Irresistible 2002 Description / Buy
3 Shameless 2010 Description / Buy

Order of Jessica Ford Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Pursuit 2005 Description / Buy
2 Justice 2011 Description / Buy

Order of Pirates Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Island Flame 1981 Description / Buy
2 Sea Fire 1982 Description / Buy

Order of Karen Robards Standalone Novels

# Read Title Published Details
1 Forbidden Love 1983 Description / Buy
2 Amanda Rose 1984 Description / Buy
3 Dark Torment 1985 Description / Buy
4 To Love a Man 1985 Description / Buy
5 Wild Orchids 1986 Description / Buy
6 Loving Julia 1986 Description / Buy
7 Night Magic 1987 Description / Buy
8 Desire in the Sun 1988 Description / Buy
9 Dark of the Moon 1988 Description / Buy
10 Tiger's Eye 1989 Description / Buy
11 Morning Song 1990 Description / Buy
12 This Side of Heaven 1991 Description / Buy
13 Green Eyes 1991 Description / Buy
14 Nobody's Angel 1992 Description / Buy
15 One Summer 1993 Description / Buy
16 Maggy's Child 1994 Description / Buy
17 Walking After Midnight 1995 Description / Buy
18 Hunter's Moon 1995 Description / Buy
19 Heartbreaker 1996 Description / Buy
20 The Senator's Wife 1998 Description / Buy
21 The Midnight Hour 1999 Description / Buy
22 Ghost Moon 2000 Description / Buy
23 Paradise County 2000 Description / Buy
24 To Trust a Stranger 2001 Description / Buy
25 Whispers at Midnight 2002 Description / Buy
26 Beachcomber 2003 Description / Buy
27 Bait 2004 Description / Buy
28 Superstition 2005 Description / Buy
29 Vanished 2006 Description / Buy
30 Obsession 2007 Description / Buy
31 Guilty 2008 Description / Buy
32 Shattered 2010 Description / Buy
33 Sleepwalker 2011 Description / Buy
34 Manna From Heaven (Short Story) 2012 Description / Buy
35 Shiver 2012 Description / Buy
36 Hunted 2013 Description / Buy
37 Hush 2014 Description / Buy
38 Darkness 2016 Description / Buy
39 The Black Swan of Paris 2020 Description / Buy
40 The Girl from Guernica 2022 Description / Buy
41 Some Murders in Berlin 2024 Description / Buy

Karen Robards Anthologies

# Read Title Published Details
1 Wait Until Dark 2001 Description / Buy
+ Click to View all Anthologies
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For a time, Robards attended law school. She is fairly certain that she would have pursued a career in the legal field if her writing hadn’t taken off. Two events compelled her to experiment with publishing. First, while she was working for her father, an orthodontist, in her teenage years, Robards saw a magazine that asked readers to submit funny anecdotes.

Fascinated by the challenge, Robards wrote a two-paragraph story. She wasn’t sure what to expect when she submitted it. But she was quite happy when Reader’s Digest published her story in 1973, sending her a $100 check for her efforts.

And then, during her time at the University of Kentucky, a professor asked the class to write a 50-page story that was worthy of publishing. Robards took this assignment quite seriously. She studied the publishing industry to identify the kind of storytelling it responded to.

This eventually drove her to write 50 pages within the historical romance genre. When she was penning it, Robards knew that her subject matter was far from conventional for her class. But she wasn’t perturbed by her choice, not until she realized that she would have to read her work to the class.

Naturally, everyone laughed at her. However, Robards now perceives those 50 pages in a positive light. This is because they created the foundation that she used to write her debut novel, ‘Island Flame’ in 1981.

‘Island Flame’ wasn’t necessarily a big hit. It only stayed in stores for three weeks. Publishers were not convinced that the author had much of an audience. This discouraged them from buying more of her work.

However, Karen Robards was not perturbed. In fact, she was so confident in her ability to succeed as a writer that she abandoned her studies in law school so that she could focus on her writing career. Because she had to survive until her next novel was written and published, she secured a temporary position in an orthodontic clinic.

The position had its challenges. But Robards always found time to write during her lunch break. Within three months, she had a second novel. This one sold even faster than the first one and it gave Robards’ career a much-needed boost.

She initially specialized in historical romance. But then she landed a new publisher who tasked her with publishing a contemporary romantic suspense novel each year. Robards did accordingly. But over time, questions about the viability of contemporary romance rose.

Her publishers came to the conclusion that the genre was dead. They wanted Robards to stick with historical fiction. But Robards wasn’t convinced. After dipping her toes into the contemporary romance genre, she became certain that it had more to offer, and she found a publisher who allowed her to experiment with it.

‘One Summer’, the contemporary romance novel she wrote soon after, was a success and it convinced her publishers that Robards belonged in the contemporary romance genre. The author has a husband and three sons.

Karen Robards Awards

Robards has won numerous RT Reviewers Choice Awards over the years.

Best Karen Robards Books

Robards has been commended for her humor and characterization, with some of the best books in her bibliography including:

Shattered: Lisa Grant had to come home to care for her mother, a woman whose health was failing her. She was fortunate to land a position on the District Attorney’s team. Her job was to pull cold case files. She did not give them much thought until she came across one particular file that detailed an incident from three decades ago in which an entire family disappeared. What caught Lisa’s attention was the fact that the mother looked a lot like her.

The Last Victim: Charlie survived a massacre. The information she gave the police forced the Boardwalk Killer to go into hiding. But that was a long time ago. Today, Charlie works as a criminal pathologist who spends her days trying to make sense of the motivations behind the actions of demented killers.

Considering the visions that have continued to plague her, Charlie knows that she hasn’t fully recovered from her encounter with the Boardwalk Killer. But that doesn’t stop her from jumping into the fray once he makes his return.

When Does The Next Karen Robards book come out?

Karen Robards doesn't seem to have an upcoming book. Their newest book is Some Murders in Berlin and was released on June, 25th 2024.


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