Alex Erickson Books

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Alex Erickson is an American author that often surprises people whenever he reveals that he writes cozy mysteries. Best known for the ‘Bookstore Cafe’ series, Erickson never had any doubt in his mind that he would grow up to become a writer.

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Order of Bookstore Cafe Mystery Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Death by Coffee 2015 Description / Buy
2 Death by Tea 2015 Description / Buy
3 Death By Pumpkin Spice 2016 Description / Buy
4 Death by Vanilla Latte 2017 Description / Buy
5 Death by Eggnog 2017 Description / Buy
6 Death by Espresso 2018 Description / Buy
7 Death by Café Mocha 2019 Description / Buy
8 Death by French Roast 2020 Description / Buy
9 Death by Hot Apple Cider 2021 Description / Buy
10 Death by Hot Cocoa 2022 Description / Buy
11 Death by Spiced Chai 2022 Description / Buy
12 Death by Iced Coffee 2023 Description / Buy
13 Death by Peppermint Cappuccino 2023 Description / Buy

Order of Cat Yoga Mystery Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 A Pose Before Dying 2024 Description / Buy

Order of Furever Pets Mystery Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 The Pomeranian Always Barks Twice 2020 Description / Buy
2 Dial 'M' for Maine Coon 2021 Description / Buy

Alex Erickson Anthologies

# Read Title Published Details
1 Christmas Cocoa Murder 2019 Description / Buy
2 Instinct: An Animal Rescuers Anthology 2023 Description / Buy
+ Click to View all Anthologies
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Alex Erickson is an American author that often surprises people whenever he reveals that he writes cozy mysteries. Best known for the ‘Bookstore Cafe’ series, Erickson never had any doubt in his mind that he would grow up to become a writer.

He was still quite young when he decided that he wanted to dedicate his life to writing and publishing. Mysteries and murders always fascinated him, not just the crimes but the intentions and motives that brought them into being.

However, Erickson is far from the typical cozy mystery writer. First of all, he’s a man. Most cozy mystery authors are female. Secondly, his favorite author is Stephen King. It was from King’s novels that Erickson developed a desire to write fiction.

When he isn’t writing cozy mysteries, the author can be found reading and watching science fiction and fantasy. While he consumes mysteries from time to time, Erickson is drawn to darker stories in the vein of ‘The Killing’ and ‘Dexter’.

Nothing about his life and habits suggests that he writes cozy mysteries. A lot of his time is spent pursuing his passion for gaming. The author owns multiple consoles, not to mention computers that are powerful enough to run some of the latest titles in the gaming field.

Few other habits occupy the writer as intensely as video games. And he understands that his entire existence is an anomaly. Whenever he makes appearances at events, people cannot help but comment on the fact that he is a man writing cozy mysteries.

That hasn’t stopped the author from attracting a loyal fanbase of readers that appreciate his stories. Alex Erickson attributes his affinity for cozy mysteries to the fact that he loves telling stories and making people laugh.

Because his taste in movies, TV shows, and video games typically leans towards darker, grimmer realms, he prefers to produce lighter fictional content that can provide him the escape he occasionally needs.

Erickson writes about murders but the cozy mystery genre allows him to add a happy, humorous twist to each crime. When it comes to crafting new novels, the author prefers to let his characters develop naturally.

He wants them to feel like real people which is why he listens carefully to what they say and how they speak to him before cementing their personalities. He is more flexible where the locations are concerned. He prefers to develop them as he goes along. Though, he always endeavors to make them feel like real places.

Erickson maintains a relatively strict schedule. He starts working at 10 in the morning. Sometimes, he writes quickly, churning out four or five thousand words within a two-hour period. Other times, his pace is slower.

The author has a particular location in which he prefers to write. While he is willing to write in other settings, he isn’t as productive.

Best Alex Erickson Books

Erickson admits that writing female protagonists is challenging, though he always succeeds in giving his heroines engaging voices, with some of the best novels in his bibliography including:

Death by Coffee: Krissy Hancock and her friend Vicki just opened a bookstore cafe in their new town. Krissy’s father was an author and no one is particularly surprised when she decides to call their cafe ‘Death by Coffee’, the name of a mystery novel her father wrote.

Whatever Krissy thought would happen once the cafe opened, she did not expect Brendon to die on their first day of business. Apparently, he was allergic to peanuts. Someone found a way to sneak them into his coffee. Even worse, they stole his allergy medication.

Brendon had been murdered and Krissy had to find the killer to save her cafe.

Death by Tea: Krissy was supposed to host the book club competition at her cafe. Two dueling clubs were ready to face one another at ‘Death by Coffee’. But before the contest could commence, a silver teapot was used to murder one of the competitors.

Now everyone is looking at Krissy with accusing eyes. They think she did the dirty deed. Krissy knows she’s innocent. But every new clue points to her. Her only hope is Officer Paul Dalton. But Dalton cannot afford to ignore the trail of evidence that keeps incriminating Krissy.

When Does The Next Alex Erickson book come out?

Alex Erickson doesn't seem to have an upcoming book. Their newest book is A Pose Before Dying and was released on May, 21st 2024. It is the newest book in the Cat Yoga Mystery Series.

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