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Hamilton Crane is the pen name adopted by an English author, Sarah J. Mason after she was requested to continue writing Miss Seeton series initially written by author Heron Carvic. Hamilton is derived from Heron Carvic house of residence at St. Andrew University while Crane is derived from the bird theme- a crane resembles a heron. As Hamilton Crane, Sarah wrote thirteen sequels and one prequel to the Miss Seeton series.
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Order of Miss Seeton Series
# | Read | Title | Published | Details |
1 | Picture Miss Seeton | 1968 | Description / Buy | |
2 | Miss Seeton Draws the Line | 1969 | Description / Buy | |
3 | Miss Seeton, Bewitched / Witch Miss Seeton | 1971 | Description / Buy | |
4 | Miss Seeton Sings | 1973 | Description / Buy | |
5 | Odds on Miss Seeton | 1975 | Description / Buy | |
6 | Miss Seeton by Appointment | 1990 | Description / Buy | |
7 | Advantage Miss Seeton | 1990 | Description / Buy | |
8 | Miss Seeton at the Helm | 1990 | Description / Buy | |
9 | Miss Seeton Cracks the Case | 1991 | Description / Buy | |
10 | Miss Seeton Paints the Town | 1991 | Description / Buy | |
11 | Hands Up, Miss Seeton | 1992 | Description / Buy | |
12 | Miss Seeton by Moonlight | 1992 | Description / Buy | |
13 | Miss Seeton Rocks the Cradle | 1992 | Description / Buy | |
14 | Miss Seeton Goes to Bat | 1993 | Description / Buy | |
15 | Miss Seeton Plants Suspicion | 1993 | Description / Buy | |
16 | Starring Miss Seeton | 1994 | Description / Buy | |
17 | Miss Seeton Undercover | 1994 | Description / Buy | |
18 | Miss Seeton Rules | 1994 | Description / Buy | |
19 | Sold to Miss Seeton | 1995 | Description / Buy | |
20 | Sweet Miss Seeton | 1996 | Description / Buy | |
21 | Bonjour, Miss Seeton | 1997 | Description / Buy | |
22 | Miss Seeton's Finest Hour | 1999 | Description / Buy | |
23 | Miss Seeton Quilts the Village | 2017 | Description / Buy | |
24 | Miss Seeton Flies High | 2018 | Description / Buy | |
25 | Watch the Wall, Miss Seeton | 2019 | Description / Buy |
The author has also written novels under her real name. However, she is not to be confused with the Sarah Mason, an author who writes rather different novel genres. After living for close to half a century in Herefordshire, Hamilton now resides in Somerset within the easy reach of her picturesque city of Well and far enough from Glastonbury to avoid frequent annual traffic jams.
These are two best books written Miss Seeton Cracks the Case and Miss Seeton by Moonlight.
Miss Seeton Cracks the Case: The 9th book in Miss Seeton series by Hamilton Crane. As aforementioned above, Hamilton was requested to write sequels to Heron Carvic books, Miss Seeton series.
The novel introduces us to two professional criminal gangs operating around the village of Plummergen. First, there is Sherry Gang, focuses on older adults struggling with their shopping bundles. One of the gang members pretends to be a caring, kind and thoughtful person and offers to carry their shopping bundles home. Upon arrival, the person is drugged and their home ransacked, and anything of value is taken away as the victim is deep in their slumber.
Then there is Dick Turpin Gang specialized in stopping tourist coaches and ordering all the passengers to “Stand and Deliver.” Each passenger is robbed anything of value and portable including credit cards, jewelry, and cash and then the gang disappears.
However, a strange coincidence is that the two gangs seem to be made up of two women and one man and the second coincidence is that the police are finding it impossible to track the whereabouts of these criminals. When Miss Seeton is requested to speak to one of the victims of the Sherry Gang and perform her magic drawings, the result apparently has no connection to anything. After Miss Seeton becomes a victim of the Dick Turpin Gang, the police request her to draw again. However, it appears that what she sees with her sixth sense seems to have nothing to do with the people robbing the tourists.
The local police and the Scotland Yard are afraid that Miss Seeton gift is no longer useful to them anymore, but after all, she is getting older.
Miss Seeton Cracks a Case is a beautiful story, with a brilliantly woven plot and lots of good ongoing mysteries. The characters make the story, especially the main character Miss Seeton. She is such a fantastic woman who seems to be just a little absent minded, and her thought processes seem never to go in a straight line. The cops and the villagers add wonderful depth to this story.
Additionally, Miss Seeton mentors from the Scotland Yard, Sgt Ranger and Chief Inspector Delphick are confident about Miss Seeton abilities. However, some other cops who are not familiar with Seeton abilities lose any faith they had in her. On the other hand, the villagers have many scandals to focus on, and to them, Miss Seeton becomes a mere secondary interest. Generally, Miss Seeton and all her friends, as well as enemies, making this a brilliant narrative.
Miss Seeton by Moonlight: Miss Seeton is drawn into a problem the cops are having with two different cunning thieves, and the cops come to request her for help.
First, there is Ransom Raffle, a man who breaks into the homes of those very rich. He is daring by the way he enters the home by scaling walls using ropes tied to the chimneys. After he steals all the small valuables, he then offers to return these valuables to the owner, but of course at a price.
The other cases of thefts are on a grander scale. Someone is stealing artworks, anything from statues to paintings and there seems to be no reason for these thefts. However, rumors have it that the person behind these thefts is a solitary millionaire from somewhere else other than Britain. Despite the cops’ reluctance, Miss Seeton becomes involved in these two cases in different ways. However, as always she is not sure of what is expected of her. However, as always, she helps solve crimes by drawing what she sees in people and places.
When Does The Next Hamilton Crane book come out?
Hamilton Crane doesn't seem to have an upcoming book. Their newest book is Watch the Wall, Miss Seeton and was released on February, 21st 2019. It is the newest book in the Miss Seeton Series.