Jennifer Estep Books

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Jennifer Estep is a Southern girl in all entirety. She is sarcastic, sassy and just a bit crazy. Jennifer Estep’s childhood was a normal one and involved a lot of hanging out with friends, playing and making up wild stories in the head. Jennifer liked to read since being a child be it fairytales, mysteries, adventure stories or fantasies. She does not remember the first book she read but somewhere in the middle while reading her first few, she apparently fell in love with books. Her favorite childhood memory is that of her mother taking her to library every week. Somewhere between writing poems and short stories for assignments, she realized that she wanted to write books for a living. Jennifer has a Bachelor degree in English and Journalism and a Master degree in Professional Communication.

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Order of Elemental Assassin Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Poison (Short Story) 2010 This short story takes place when Gin is a teenager and is told from the point of view of Finnegan Lane, Gin’s foster brother.
2 Web of Deceit (Short Story) 2010 This short story takes place when Gin is a teenager. It’s told from the point of view of Fletcher Lane, Gin’s assas­sin men­tor, and focuses on Gin’s first solo job as the assas­sin the Spi­der.
3 Spider's Bargain (Short Story) 2010 This short story takes place before the events of Spider’s Bite, the first book in the Elemental Assassin series.
4 Spider's Bite 2010 Description / Buy
5 Web of Death (Short Story) 2010 This short story takes place after the events of Spider’s Bite but before the begin­ning of Web of Lies.
6 Web of Lies 2010 Description / Buy
7 Wasted (Short Story) 2010 This short story takes place in between the events of Web of Lies and Venom
8 Venom 2010 Description / Buy
9 Tangled Dreams (Short Story) 2010 This short story takes place in between the events of Venom and Tan­gled Threads
10 Tangled Schemes (Short Story) 2010 This short story spans a period of time start­ing from the last chap­ter of Spider’s Bite and end­ing right before the begin­ning of Tan­gled Threads.
11 Tangled Threads 2011 Description / Buy
12 Spider’s Nemesis (Short Story) 2011 This short story spans a period of many years, beginning before Gin was born and ending during the events of Tangled Threads
13 Spider’s Revenge 2011 Description / Buy
14 Thread of Death 2012 Description / Buy
15 By a Thread 2012 Description / Buy
16 Widow's Web 2012 Description / Buy
17 Deadly Sting 2013 Description / Buy
18 Carniepunk: Parlor Tricks (Short Story) 2013 Description / Buy
19 Kiss of Venom 2013 Description / Buy
20 Heart of Venom 2013 Description / Buy
21 The Spider 2013 Description / Buy
22 Poison Promise 2014 Description / Buy
23 Black Widow 2014 Description / Buy
24 Spider's Trap 2015 Description / Buy
25 Bitter Bite 2016 Description / Buy
26 Unwanted 2016 Description / Buy
27 Unraveled 2016 Description / Buy
28 Nice Guys Bite 2016 Description / Buy
29 Snared 2017 Description / Buy
30 Venom in the Veins 2018 Description / Buy
31 Haints and Hobwebs 2018 Description / Buy
32 Winter’s Web (Short Story) 2019 Description / Buy
33 Sharpest Sting 2019 Description / Buy
34 Last Strand 2021 Description / Buy
35 Heart Stings 2023 Description / Buy
36 Spider and Frost (Short Story) 2023 Description / Buy
37 Stings and Stones 2023 Description / Buy

Order of Bigtime Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Karma Girl 2007 Description / Buy
2 Hot Mama 2007 Description / Buy
3 Jinx 2008 Description / Buy
4 A Karma Girl Christmas 2011 Description / Buy
5 Nightingale 2012 Description / Buy
6 Fandemic 2015 Description / Buy

Order of Black Blade Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Cold Burn of Magic 2015 Description / Buy
2 Dark Heart of Magic 2015 Description / Buy
3 Bright Blaze of Magic 2016 Description / Buy

Order of Crown of Shards Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Kill the Queen 2018 Description / Buy
2 Protect the Prince 2019 Description / Buy
3 Crush the King 2020 Description / Buy

Order of Galactic Bonds Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Only Bad Options 2022 Description / Buy
2 Only Good Enemies 2023 Description / Buy
3 Only Hard Problems 2024 Description / Buy
4 Only Cold Depths 2024 Description / Buy

Order of Gargoyle Queen Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Capture the Crown 2021 Description / Buy
2 Tear Down the Throne 2022 Description / Buy
3 Conquer the Kingdom 2023 Description / Buy

Order of Mythos Academy Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 First Frost 2011 Description / Buy
2 Touch of Frost 2011 Description / Buy
3 Kiss of Frost 2011 Description / Buy
4 Dark Frost 2012 Description / Buy
5 Crimson Frost 2012 Description / Buy
6 Spartan Frost 2013 Description / Buy
7 Midnight Frost 2013 Description / Buy
8 Halloween Frost (Short Story) 2013 Description / Buy
9 Killer Frost 2014 Description / Buy

Order of Mythos Academy: Colorado Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Bitter Frost 2017 Description / Buy
2 Spartan Heart 2017 Description / Buy
3 Spartan Promise 2019 Description / Buy
4 Spartan Destiny 2019 Description / Buy

Order of Section 47 Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 A Sense of Danger 2020 Description / Buy
2 Sugar Plum Spies 2022 Description / Buy

Order of Jennifer Estep Short Stories/Novellas

# Read Title Published Details
1 The Beauty of Being a Beast (Short Story) 2021 Description / Buy

Order of Jennifer Estep Non-Fiction Books

# Read Title Published Details
1 Write Your Own Cake: A Worldbuilding Essay (Short Story) 2022 Description / Buy

Jennifer Estep Anthologies

# Read Title Published Details
1 Carniepunk 2013 Description / Buy
2 The Mammoth Book of Southern Gothic Romance 2014 Description / Buy
3 Dirty Deeds 2 2022 Description / Buy
+ Click to View all Anthologies
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Jennifer Estep gets her ideas for her books from everywhere – books, movies, real life stories, news stories etc. She likes to question as to what would she have done if it were her in different circumstances. Jennifer is a very open minded person and thus draws her inspiration from everything ranging from a person’s perfume to a person’s laugh or a snippet of a conversation. Her books are full of drama, romance and suspense and can be enjoyed by everyone.

Jennifer Estep is a New York Times Bestselling author of the Elemental Assassin urban fantasy series, The Mythos Academy series, Bigtime series and the Black Blade Fantasy.

The bestselling urban fantasy series Elemental Assassin is a collection of sixteen novels. The series focuses on an assassin – Gin Blanco, who has a codename the Spider and she has the ability to control the elements of Ice and Stone. Other than killing people and correcting the wrongs done by the people, Gin runs a barbeque restaurant by the name of Pork Pit in the fictional metro city of Ashland in the South. The city of Ashland also houses many a vampires, dwarfs, giants and elementals of Fire, Ice, Air and Stone. The first book of the series is Spider’s Bite and the last one being Snared.

Mythos Academy series is a young adult urban fantasy series that focuses on Gwen Frost who is a seventeen year old Gypsy girl. Gwen is gifted with the ability to know an object’s history just by touching it, also called psychometry. Gwen is shipped off to Mythos Academy after a freak out with magic turned serious. The Mythos Academy is a school for the descendants of ancient warriors like Amazons and Spartans. The first book in this series was The Touch of Frost and the last being Killer Frost. This is a relatively smaller series than the Elemental Assassin with only six books in the series offering.

Bigtime series is a paranormal romance books series which features evil villains, sexy superheroes and sassy girls who are looking for love. There are only five books in the series as of now, the first one being the Karma Girl and the last one being Fandemic. The Bigtime series books are set in a fictional city in New York, by the name of Bigtime and is a city which is full of villains, super heroes and larger than like characters. These books are female centered comic books. However, these books are only intended for adults aged 18 or above. The series includes The Fearless Five, Bigtime city’s most popular and powerful and superhero team; Striker -the leader whose power includes regeneration and incredible agility and reflexes; Fiera – the hothead, whose powers include the ability to create, control, and manipulate fire in addition to be super strong; Hermit – the technological whiz who has the ability to plug his brain into computers and thus which allows him to sort through billions of bytes of data per minute; Mr. Sage – the wise statesmen whose psychic powers include telekinesis and premonition and lastly Karma Girl – whose empathic abilities let her tap into and use the powers of other heroes and villains.

The Black Blade series is a young adult urban fantasy series with a focus on Lila Merriweather, a resident of Cloudburst Falls in West Virginia. The town is dubbed as the most magical place in America and Lila is shown to be a thief in the series. Magic makes Lila stronger and she does odd jobs to survive. The first book in the series is Cold Burn of Magic and the last one being Bright Blaze of Magic.

Best Jennifer Estep Books:

Poison Promise: Gin Blanco aka The Spider is put face to face with a legendary crime boss as a new drug hits the streets.

Black Widow: M.M. Monroe is out for revenge and planning the murder of Gin Blanco.

When Does The Next Jennifer Estep book come out?

The next book by Jennifer Estep is Only Cold Depths and will be released on October, 29th 2024. It is the newest book in the Galactic Bonds Series.

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