K.A. Tucker Books

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K. A. Tucker is a Canadian author that writes romance and YA. As a child, Tucker was a voracious reader. At six, her librarian helped her write and publish her first story.

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Order of Burying Water Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Burying Water 2014 Description / Buy
2 Becoming Rain 2015 Description / Buy
3 Chasing River 2015 Description / Buy
4 Surviving Ice 2015 Description / Buy

Order of Causal Enchantment Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Anathema 2011 Description / Buy
2 Asylum 2011 Description / Buy
3 Allegiance 2012 Description / Buy
4 Anomaly 2014 Description / Buy

Order of Dirty Empire Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Sweet Mercy 2019 Description / Buy
2 Gabriel Fallen 2019 Description / Buy
3 Dirty Empire 2020 Description / Buy
4 Fallen Empire 2021 Description / Buy

Order of Fate & Flame Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 A Fate of Wrath & Flame 2021 Description / Buy
2 A Curse of Blood & Stone 2022 Description / Buy
3 A Queen of Thieves & Chaos 2023 Description / Buy
4 A Dawn of Gods & Fury 2024 Description / Buy

Order of Polson Falls Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 The Player Next Door 2020 Description / Buy
2 The Hustler Next Door 2023 Description / Buy

Order of The Simple Wild Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 The Simple Wild 2018 Description / Buy
2 Wild at Heart 2020 Description / Buy
3 Forever Wild 2020 Description / Buy
4 Running Wild 2022 Description / Buy

Order of Ten Tiny Breaths Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Ten Tiny Breaths 2012 Description / Buy
2 One Tiny Lie 2013 Description / Buy
3 Four Seconds to Lose 2013 Description / Buy
4 Five Ways to Fall 2014 Description / Buy
5 In Her Wake 2014 Description / Buy

Chronological Order of Ten Tiny Breaths Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 In Her Wake 2014 Description / Buy
2 Ten Tiny Breaths 2012 Description / Buy
3 One Tiny Lie 2013 Description / Buy
4 Four Seconds to Lose 2013 Description / Buy
5 Five Ways to Fall 2014 Description / Buy

Order of The Wolf Hotel Series as Nina West

# Read Title Published Details
1 Tempt Me / Wolf Bait 2015 Description / Buy
2 Break Me / Wolf Bite 2016 Description / Buy
3 Teach Me / Wolf Prey 2016 Description / Buy
4 Ronan (Short Story) 2016 Description / Buy
5 Surrender to Me / Wolf Surrender 2017 Description / Buy
6 Own Me 2023 Description / Buy

Order of K.A. Tucker Standalone Novels

# Read Title Published Details
1 He Will Be My Ruin 2016 Description / Buy
2 Until It Fades 2017 Description / Buy
3 Keep Her Safe 2018 Description / Buy
4 Be the Girl 2019 Description / Buy
5 Say You Still Love Me 2019 Description / Buy
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She takes pride in the fact that she isn’t a snob where books are concerned. The author reads everything from chick-lit to high fantasy. Though, as a writer, she cannot help but gravitate towards romance.

It is her favorite genre, which is why every novel she writes is steeped in romance. But she doesn’t let it confine her. In fact, even though she writes a lot of romance, Tucker’s books make effective use of suspense.

The author loves starting a story by describing a crime, such as a suspicious death, and then explaining the events that led to it. Such beginnings encourage Tucker to ask questions which, in turn, allows her to go on interesting tangents.

To gain inspiration, she reads news articles that can help her understand the factors that drive decent people to do terrible things. She relies on music to get in the zone whenever she sits down to write.

This wasn’t the case at the start. It took her a while to realize that finding the right song could enhance her process by setting the right mood. Because she isn’t a plotter, it takes the author quite a while to finish her manuscripts.

This is because her novels have so many puzzle pieces that have to fit together before she can submit the story. Tucker has to perform several rewrites before she is satisfied with her work.

Sometimes, the author feels like she will never finish her manuscripts. Despite all the experience she has accumulated, Tucker is still growing as a writer. She is not immune to self-doubt.

On occasion, she will read books that are so good they make her feel inadequate. A voice in her head starts telling her that she can never measure up. But she doesn’t see such attitudes as a bad thing. If anything, jealousy of that sort is a compliment to the writers she envies.

Where reviews from readers are concerned, Tucker only reads the ones with four and five-star ratings. She doesn’t see the point of listening to critics that truly hate her work because she is already committed to the story she wrote.

Additionally, by the time a given book comes out, Tucker is well aware of her mistakes and the issues readers may raise. As far as she is concerned, reading feedback from harsh reviewers attracts crippling self-doubt that doesn’t help anyone.

Tucker doesn’t have writing rituals. That being said, she needs long stretches of free time to write. She isn’t the sort of author that can knock out a chapter in an hour. It takes her a while to get going. More often than not, she has to reread the previous paragraphs to get into the right mindset.

Best K.A. Tucker Books

The author wishes she had used her full name from the start. People keep asking her about the initials in her name. In truth, she decided to use the initials because they looked better on the cover of her books. Tucker’s best novels include:

Ten Tiny Breaths: Kacey Cleary was determined to stay in Grand Rapids, Michigan, until Livie, her little sister, matured. She was willing to overlook her aunt’s disapproval and the selfishness that had driven her uncle to gamble their college fund away.

She did not have a choice in the matter. Livie was still a minor. But then Uncle Raymond went too far when he slid into Livie’s bed. Kacey packed their things and fled to a Miami Apartment.

There, she started a new life, one that included a creepy neighbor, a grumpy landlord, and Trent Emerson, a man that had wormed his way into her heart.

The Simple Wild: Calla’s mother left her father when she was two. The woman packed her bags and left the Alaskan wild with Calla in tow. At 26, busy as she was in Toronto, Calla finally went back home when she learned that her father’s days were numbered.

Wren did not make things easy. He had one too many faults. Life in the Alaskan wild was equally challenging. But Calla was determined to prove to Jonah that she wasn’t the pampered girl he saw. She would stay and prove the obnoxious pilot wrong.

When Does The Next K.A. Tucker book come out?

K.A. Tucker doesn't seem to have an upcoming book. Their newest book is A Dawn of Gods & Fury and was released on September, 3rd 2024. It is the newest book in the Fate & Flame Series.


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