Rory Clements Books

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Rory Clements is a British author that writes historical mysteries. A native of Dover, Kent, Rory’s father was in the Royal Navy. As such, Rory spent his childhood living in various outposts around the world.

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Order of John Shakespeare Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Martyr 2009 Description / Buy
2 Revenger 2010 Description / Buy
3 Prince 2011 Description / Buy
4 Traitor 2012 Description / Buy
5 The Man in the Snow (Short Story) 2012 Description / Buy
6 The Heretics 2013 Description / Buy
7 The Queen's Man 2014 Description / Buy
8 Holy Spy 2015 Description / Buy

Order of Tom Wilde Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Corpus 2017 Description / Buy
2 Nucleus 2018 Description / Buy
3 Nemesis 2019 Description / Buy
4 Hitler's Secret 2020 Description / Buy
5 A Prince and a Spy 2021 Description / Buy
6 The Man in the Bunker 2022 Description / Buy
7 The English Führer 2023 Description / Buy

Order of Rory Clements Standalone Novels

# Read Title Published Details
1 Munich Wolf 2024 Description / Buy
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The desire to write novels claimed the author at a young age. In fact, he only went into journalism because he thought it would improve his writing abilities. Up to this day, he cannot tell you whether or not journalism polished his craft.

However, he commends the field for showing him how to spot a good story. It also taught him how to convey stories clearly.

Rory made several attempts at writing. However, he failed in each case because he lacked conviction and dedication. The need to earn a living kept him busy.

Eventually, he became engrossed in the Elizabethan era, and the first book in the John Shakespeare series began to take shape. It took a few years for Rory to turn the vague concept tumbling aimlessly through his mind into a proper novel.

In 2007, he wrote a synopsis and sent it to his agent. Teresa Chris liked the idea. However, the summary was not enough. She needed a book, and Rory was more than happy to oblige her.

He spent the next six months writing his manuscript. Teresa loved it and quickly shopped the book around. Kate Miciak (Bantam Dell, US) got back to the pair within a few days.

That was just the first of several pieces of good news. In the weeks and months that followed, Rory’s agent sold the novel to publishers in the UK, Holland, Italy, Germany, and Hungary.

When he sat down to write ‘Martyr,’ the author did not expect his debut novel to attract so much interest. Even though the story uses a historical setting, it speaks to modern readers because they must overcome the same obstacles that challenged their ancestors, including political strife and religious conflict.

Rory followed up ‘Martyr’ with several historical novels set in the same period because he was obsessed with the 16th Century. He believes that Hollywood has done a poor job of exploring Elizabeth’s England.

They spend so much time obsessing over the adventures of the knights and nobles that they ignore the more interesting characters, seemingly minor figures with fascinating backstories and personalities.

The John Shakespeare series gives Rory a chance to shine a light on history’s forgotten heroes and villains. Although, the 16th Century is not the author’s only focus.

Rory introduced the Thomas Wilde books after deciding to take a break from the John Shakespeare series. He wrote ‘Holy Spy’ after sharing his love for the pre-WWII period with his agent.

The pre-war period reminded the author of contemporary times because people living through pre-war times had to contend with political upheaval.

Both series require significant amounts of research. Although, Rory is one of a few authors that actually enjoy the research process. Rory admits that historical fiction occasionally feels restrictive because it forces him to play within a limited sandbox.

That being said, the author tries to find a balance between remaining historically accurate and taking some liberties.

Rory Clements Awards

Rory’s accolades include the CWA Ellis Peters Historical Award.

Best Rory Clements Books

The author’s father, grandfather, and great-grandfather fought in three major wars. His family’s military background inspires the thrillers he writes. Rory’s best books include:

Martyr: The Queen’s reign is under threat. A cunning conspiracy is afoot. Someone murdered Elizabeth’s young cousin for unclear reasons, marking her remains with offensive symbols.

If that wasn’t puzzling enough, a plan to assassinate Francis Drake is underway. If the Kingdom’s greatest sea warrior dies, the Spanish invasion will proceed unimpeded.

Queen Elizabeth needs answers, and the only person that can give them to her is John Shakespeare.

Corpus: Europe is on fire. The Nazis have crossed into the Rhineland. Civil war threatens to rip Spain apart, and Stalin’s war machine is on the march. Meanwhile, Thomas Wilde has a confusing mystery on his hands.

It began with an Englishwoman. She was found dead with a silver syringe in her hands weeks after delivering papers to a Jewish scientist.

And then someone murdered a renowned couple with fascist leanings. What does it all mean? A maverick Cambridge professor won’t stop until he finds out.

When Does The Next Rory Clements book come out?

Rory Clements doesn't seem to have an upcoming book. Their newest book is Munich Wolf and was released on January, 18th 2024.

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