Susanna Kearsley Books

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Susanna Kearsley is a Canadian author that writes paranormal romance, historical mysteries, and historical romance. Born in 1966 in Brantford, Ontario, Susanna comes from a family of readers.

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Order of Slains Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 The Winter Sea 2008 Description / Buy
2 The Firebird 2013 Description / Buy

Order of The Scottish Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 The Vanished Days 2021 Description / Buy

Order of Susanna Kearsley Standalone Novels

# Read Title Published Details
1 Undertow 1993 Description / Buy
2 Mariana 1994 Description / Buy
3 The Gemini Game 1994 Description / Buy
4 The Splendour Falls 1995 Description / Buy
5 The Shadowy Horses 1997 Description / Buy
6 Named of the Dragon 1998 Description / Buy
7 Season of Storms 2001 Description / Buy
8 Every Secret Thing 2006 Description / Buy
9 The Rose Garden 2011 Description / Buy
10 A Desperate Fortune 2015 Description / Buy
11 Bellewether 2018 Description / Buy
12 The King's Messenger 2025 Description / Buy

Susanna Kearsley Anthologies

# Read Title Published Details
1 Pulp Literature Issue 4 Autumn 2014 2014 Description / Buy
2 The Deadly Hours 2020 Description / Buy
+ Click to View all Anthologies
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She was 7-years-old when she discovered ‘Little Women.’ The book blew the author’s mind because she saw herself in the characters, especially Jo. Susanna was already writing stories by that point.

She continued to pursue the hobby during her teens. However, she hadn’t set her sights on publishing as a career. Instead, she explored politics and international development.

By her early 20s, Susanna had landed a position as a curator at a museum. Her foray into publishing was completely unplanned. The author was still at the museum when her sister dared her to write a novel.

Susanna had developed a habit of writing the first few chapters of each story before abandoning the manuscript. This time, her sister dared her to complete a manuscript, and she consented.

The author surprised herself when she finished her first novel. The prospect of turning her hobby into an actual career excited her, and she abandoned the museum for a job as a waitress.

Susanna continued to hone her craft, penning her stories at night until her second novel was complete. She was not sure what to expect when she sent the manuscript to the Catherine Cookson Fiction Prize Competition (Transworld Publishers).

The author was ecstatic when she learned that she had won ten thousand pounds. That one victory was the stepping stone that accelerated the author’s career, turning Susanna into the award winner and bestseller people know and love.

Life in the traditional publishing arena is not necessarily smooth sailing for the author. The deadlines are particularly challenging. They exert a lot of pressure on Susanna because she writes by the seat of her pants.

She doesn’t work with outlines. The author has no idea what her characters will do or say until she sits down to write her manuscript. This is a problem because she has no idea how long it will take to finish each new novel.

She has agreed to deadlines in the past, only to realize later on that she needs more time. Susanna cannot help it. Her books are always going off on tangents she did not anticipate.

Sometimes, her publishers are forced to shift the deadlines to accommodate her. Fortunately, the author is disciplined. When she gets to the point where her publishers cannot afford to extend her deadline, she will spend every second of everyday writing, neglecting every other responsibility.

But Susanna is willing to contend with the stress because she loves what she does. The process of creating new stories and characters is rewarding. She looks forward to the moments when she walks out of her writing room, having turned a blank page into a novel.

Susanna Kearsley Awards

Susanna has won Rita, OKRWA National Readers Choice, and Romantic Times Reviewers’ Choice Awards.

Best Susanna Kearsley Books

The author has written thrillers using the ‘Emma Cole’ pen name. Susanna Kearsley’s best novels include:

The Winter Sea: Carrie was stuck. Despite her publishing success, she couldn’t settle on a suitable subject for her next book. When she started researching the Jacobite uprisings, she did not expect her investigation to change her world.

It started with a visit to Slains Castle. Carrie walked into the ruins and heard the first of many voices. She started writing, relying on her dreams and auditory visions to bring the setting and characters to life.

It took the author a while to realize that the story in her manuscript was based on actual events that history had buried, events that had invaded her dreams.

The Rose Garden: Eva was grieving. Her sister Katrina was dead. Eva wanted to honor Katrina by returning her to Cornwall, where they had spent their childhood summers. It was only natural that she would stop at the house where she stayed as a child.

The house was now home to the Hallets, her old friends. But they were not the only inhabitants. Eva had a chance encounter with the people that occupied the property in the 18th Century.

She hadn’t sought out the adventure, but it was now threatening to claim her. The present had a lot of comforts to offer. But Daniel Butler was stuck in the past. He had died long before she was ever born. And yet, Eva was tempted to reject everything she knew in the present to stay with him.

When Does The Next Susanna Kearsley book come out?

The next book by Susanna Kearsley is The King\'s Messenger and will be released on March, 4th 2025.

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