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William B Watterson is a well-established author who is widely known for the Calvin and Hobbes book series. Watterson was born on 5 July 1958, in Washington DC. Once he completed his high school education, Bill Watterson, then joined Kenyon College. While at Kenyon, Bill began to draw cartoons for the college newspaper. It did not take long before Bill secured a job at Cincinnati Post. Bill Watterson had always wanted to create his very own comic strip and began working on Calvin and Hobbes, his original creation.
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Order of Calvin and Hobbes Series
# | Read | Title | Published | Details |
1 | Calvin and Hobbes | 1987 | Description / Buy | |
2 | Something Under the Bed is Drooling | 1988 | Description / Buy | |
3 | The Essential Calvin and Hobbes | 1988 | Description / Buy | |
4 | Yukon Ho! | 1989 | Description / Buy | |
5 | The Calvin and Hobbes Lazy Sunday Book | 1989 | Description / Buy | |
6 | The Authoritative Calvin and Hobbes | 1990 | Description / Buy | |
7 | Weirdos from Another Planet! | 1990 | Description / Buy | |
8 | The Revenge of the Baby-Sat | 1991 | Description / Buy | |
9 | Scientific Progress Goes | 1991 | Description / Buy | |
10 | Attack of the Deranged Mutant Killer Monster Snow Goons | 1992 | Description / Buy | |
11 | The Indispensable Calvin and Hobbes | 1992 | Description / Buy | |
12 | The Days Are Just Packed | 1993 | Description / Buy | |
13 | Homicidal Psycho Jungle Cat | 1994 | Description / Buy | |
14 | The Calvin and Hobbes Tenth Anniversary Book | 1995 | Description / Buy | |
15 | There's Treasure Everywhere | 1996 | Description / Buy | |
16 | It's a Magical World | 1996 | Description / Buy | |
17 | Calvin and Hobbes: Sunday Pages, 1985-1995 | 2001 | Description / Buy | |
18 | The Complete Calvin and Hobbes | 2005 | Description / Buy |
Calvin and Hobbes Awards
As one of the most successive comic strip, Calvin, and Hobbes book series has been nominated for countless and awards, many of which it emerged the winner. Bill Watterson currently has 18 awards in total, all courtesy of the Calvin and Hobbes book series.
Calvin and Hobbes Books into Movies
The Calvin Hobbes book series is yet to be adapted into a screenplay.
Best Calvin and Hobbes Books
Calvin and Hobbes: The first books in the Calvin and Hobbes book series. In this installment, we are introduced to Calvin, a hyperactive kid who from time to time causes trouble. Referring to Calvin as mischievous is undoubtedly an understatement. Nonetheless, the mischievousness, undoubtedly adds to his charm. Calvin’s imagination is nothing short of mind blowing, as it is the case in the novels Stupendous Man and Spaceman Spiff. However, what makes Calvin endearing is his relationship with Hobbes, his best friend. The book begins as Calvin has had it rough. He is not only forced to wake up early, but he also is forced to attend school, something that he hates. While at school, Calvin is bullied by a boy known as Moe. From time to time, he is constantly sent to the Principal’s office for causing trouble.
Furthermore, he is also forced to endure the long hours in class, where he often fantasizes most of the time. However, despite having a rough day, Calvin eventually comes to the best part of his day, where he comes home to his buddy and best friend, Hobbes with whom they have one hell of time. Hobbes, Calvin’s best friend, not only shows that people are weird but also out of place in this world. Furthermore, he also shows that these people tend to find it exceedingly difficult to find friends. Once these people are mocked, they often tend to find refuge in themselves. With that said, Calvin and Hobbes are not only cute but also a relatable story especially for anyone who knows a little boy.
A Calvin and Hobbes Treasury: Somewhere in an exceedingly small and quiet town is a small house that happens to be a nightmare for every babysitter. The meddlesome yet dynamic duo of the exceedingly great and mischievous Calvin and the manipulative Hobbes. Calvin and Hobbes is a fantastic classical cartoon about Calvin, the young boy whom we met in the first installment. In Calvin and Hobbes Treasury, Calvin goes on whacky expeditions with Hobbes, his pet tiger.
Everyone from his parents sees Hobbes as a stuffed animal, but Calvin sees otherwise. Calvin views Hobbes as a real life tiger that is snarky. In this book, Calvin and his pet tiger, Hobbes execute exceedingly dangerous stunts, chase monsters from beneath the bed, try to forego Morwood’s class and even go camping together. With that said, will Calvin this time around be able to stay away from trouble? Will Calvin be able to get along with one, Susie Derkins? Will Calvin’s parents be able to handle more disappointments in their lives?
With that said, this loveable yet extreme book highlights both the joy and the pleasures of the average suburban life. Furthermore, it also brings out the inner child within each of the readers. If you are a fan of Garfield, then you are going to enjoy this treasure.
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What Is The Next Book in The Calvin And Hobbes Series?
There doesn't seem to be an upcoming book in The Calvin And Hobbes Series. The newest book is The Complete Calvin and Hobbes and was released on September, 1st 2005.