Dr. Rhea Lynch Books

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An established blogger and writer, Faith Hunter is widely known for her epic fantasy and thriller novels including the critically acclaimed, Gwen Hunter Series and Dr. Rhea Lynch book series. Apart from publishing her individual novels, author Faith Hunter has also worked alongside renowned author, Gary Leville, using a collaborative pen name, Gary Hunter.

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Order of Rhea Lynch, M.D. Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Prescribed Danger (By: Gwen Hunter) 2002 Description / Buy
2 Grave Concerns (By: Gwen Hunter) 2004 Description / Buy
3 Sleep Softly (By: Gwen Hunter) 2008 Description / Buy
4 Delayed Diagnosis (By: Gwen Hunter) 2012 Description / Buy
5 Deadly Remedy (By: Gwen Hunter) 2013 Description / Buy
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Born and raised in Louisiana, Faith Hunter developed her love for writing while in High School. Later on Hunter joined Allied Health Technology College, where she earned a medical degree. Currently, Faith Hunter lives in South Carolina with her husband. Dr. Rhea Lynch is one of the best performing series by author Faith Hunter.

In Dr. Rhea Lynch, author Faith Hunter introduces the readers to Dr. Rhea Lynch, who after living in Charleston for quite some time, decides to leave the suffocating life and heads to South Carolina, where she will now practice medicine in the Emergency Room of the local hospital. As the book begins, Dr. Rhea is heading back to Dawkins County. Dawkins County, is a place which is the home to the only family that she has ever known.

However, when Rhea returns home from vacation, she makes the shocking discovery that Marisa, her best friend is not only unable to communicate but also near death. The official diagnosis reveals that Marisa experienced a paralysing stroke. Which in turn left her in a vegetative state. Despite Marisa’s family trying to keep Dr. Rhea away, Rhea’s determination does not wither and in the process makes her own diagnosis.

After a surreptitious examination, the hideous truth is unveiled. A few days after Marisa is brought to the ER, other men are brought in the ER on different occasions with similar symptoms. The villains silenced each of these men in the most brutal and inhumane manner. Determined to find the answers, Dr. Rhea must establish who she can trust, as the extremely powerful conspiracy continue to threaten the people that she holds dearly and the local community as well.

Best Dr. Rhea Lynch Books

Delayed Diagnosis: In Delayed Diagnosis, author Gwen Hunter introduces the readers to Dr. Lynch, a medical practitioner in a small hospital located in Dawkin County. Dr. Lynch returns from vacation only to find her best friend in a vegetative state after suffering from stroke. After Dr. Lynch begins probing the circumstances which lead to her friend’s near death experience, Marissa’s family blocks Lynch from visiting her friend.

Nonetheless, when another man is brought to the Emergency Room with symptoms that are much similar to that of Marisa, Dr. Rhea begins to suspect foul play and immediately begins to probe into the saga. Eventually, a powerful saga begins to affect the entire community. Dr. Lynch eventually discovers that the threat was not due to natural causes.

With that said, Delayed Diagnosis is a fast paced novel, filled with lots of engrossing action within the Emergency Room of one of the leading local hospitals in Dawkins County. The narrative is filled with lots of suspense and well-drawn characters and an extremely strong storyline. Readers will definitely enjoy this easy to read novel, filled with lots of humour and suspense.

Prescribed Danger: After being beaten badly, an interracial couple is taken to Dawkins County Emergency room, by one Dr. Lynch. Nonetheless, apart from the vicious injuries caused by the hate group, in her analysis, Dr. Rhea discovers pulmonary infection on the woman and then, on the husband.

Before she could do further analysis, the couple pass away from, the strange infection. Within a short period, more and more victims begin to arrive and pass away at disturbing rates. Rhea tries to find out what is claiming the life of these individuals. In the long run, Dr. Rhea finds herself in the middle of a hate group, the military and religious fanatics, in what appears to be a germ warfare, which threatens to turn the entire South Carolina into a graveyard.

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What Is The Next Book in The Rhea Lynch, M.d. Series?

There doesn't seem to be an upcoming book in The Rhea Lynch, M.d. Series. The newest book is Deadly Remedy and was released on November, 11th 2013.

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