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Lorien Legacies refers to Science Fiction books written by Pittacus Lore. The name Pittacus Lore’ is a pseudonym used by three different writers.
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Order of Lorien Legacies Series
# | Read | Title | Published | Details |
1 | I Am Number Four | 2010 | Description / Buy | |
2 | The Power of Six | 2011 | Description / Buy | |
3 | The Rise of Nine | 2012 | Description / Buy | |
4 | The Fall of Five | 2013 | Description / Buy | |
5 | The Revenge of Seven | 2014 | Description / Buy | |
6 | The Fate of Ten | 2015 | Description / Buy | |
7 | United as One | 2016 | Description / Buy |
Order of I Am Number Four: The Lost Files Series
# | Read | Title | Published | Details |
1 | Six's Legacy | 2011 | Description / Buy | |
2 | Nine's Legacy | 2012 | Description / Buy | |
3 | The Fallen Legacies | 2012 | Description / Buy | |
4 | The Search for Sam | 2012 | Description / Buy | |
5 | The Last Days of Lorien | 2013 | Description / Buy | |
6 | The Forgotten Ones | 2013 | Description / Buy | |
7 | Hidden Enemy | 2014 | Description / Buy | |
8 | Five's Legacy | 2014 | Description / Buy | |
9 | Return to Paradise | 2014 | Description / Buy | |
10 | Five's Betrayal | 2014 | Description / Buy | |
11 | The Fugitive | 2014 | Description / Buy | |
12 | The Navigator | 2015 | Description / Buy | |
13 | The Guard | 2015 | Description / Buy | |
14 | Legacies Reborn | 2015 | Description / Buy | |
15 | Last Defense | 2016 | Description / Buy | |
16 | Hunt for the Garde | 2016 | Description / Buy |
Order of I Am Number Four Collections
# | Read | Title | Published | Details |
1 | The Legacies | 2012 | Description / Buy | |
2 | Secret Histories | 2013 | Description / Buy | |
3 | Rebel Allies | 2015 | Description / Buy | |
4 | Zero Hour | 2016 | Description / Buy |
Order of Lorien Legacies Reborn Series
# | Read | Title | Published | Details |
1 | Generation One | 2017 | Description / Buy | |
2 | Fugitive Six | 2018 | Description / Buy | |
3 | Return to Zero | 2019 | Description / Buy |
Order of The Legacy Chronicles Series
# | Read | Title | Published | Details |
1 | Out of the Ashes | 2017 | Description / Buy | |
2 | Into the Fire | 2018 | Description / Buy | |
3 | Up in Smoke | 2018 | Description / Buy | |
4 | Chasing Ghosts | 2018 | Description / Buy | |
5 | Raising Monsters | 2019 | Description / Buy | |
6 | Killing Giants | 2019 | Description / Buy | |
7 | Out of the Shadows | 2019 | Description / Buy |
Their Lorien Legacies series takes readers to a universe in which aliens are real. Introduced in ‘I Am Number Four’, the Loric were one such alien race.
But then their mortal enemy, the Mogadorians, drove them to the brink of extinction. Only nine of their kind survived. They were sent to earth with special guardians called Cepans.
The Cepans were supposed to protect the nine, to help awaken their special powers, to train them and to eventually prepare them for the battle against the Mogadorians.
John Smith is Number 4. The teenager has spent his entire life on the run, fleeing from country to country, community to community, flying under the radar, changing his identity where possible.
John has never known peace or stability. Fortunately, his Cepan Henri was always been by his side. From Henri, John learned that a time would come when the running and hiding would stop, when John would master his special powers and then take the fight to the Mogadorians.
John thought he had plenty of time to discover his abilities. In fact, he began to let his guard down, making new friends, falling in love with a girl, planting roots despite his better judgment.
And then the Mogadorians came. John should have been safe. The Mogadorians had to kill them in order of their number. So that buffer should have given him plenty of breathing room.
But then the Mogadorians found and killed Numbers 1 to 3, and immediately placed him at the top of their kill list.
Now John must balance his determination to survive at all costs with the desire to protect the new life he has built for himself.
The Lorien Legacies series tells John Smith’s story. At first, the books are solely concerned with his survival. But over time, the other members of the nine are introduced.
They all live in different corners of the world, and they have taken varying steps to stay hidden. When the Mogadorian threat emerges, they make it their mission to find John and to protect him before it’s too late. This is on top of mastering their own powers and undergoing the training they will need to fight the Mogadorians.
There is plenty of romance in these novels, not only between John and Sarah, the human girl he falls for but also between the other members of the nine and the men and women who have won their hearts.
Some attention is given to the Cepans some of whom are not quite as committed to their role as guardian.
Lorien Legacies Awards
Book 1 received Delaware Diamond Award and Colorado Blue Spruce Award nominations. It won the Iowa Teen and Isinglass Teen Read Awards.
Lorien Legacies Books into Movies
I Am Number Four’ was adapted into a live-action movie by Dreamworks Pictures in 2011.
Best Lorien Legacies Books
Lorien Legacies is a fan favorite among readers of the YA genre; some of the best titles in the collection include:
The Power of Six: Nine teenagers escaped the destruction of their homeworld. Three are already dead, killed by the Mogadorians. Six still live, and Number Seven is one of them. She wants to believe that John Smith is Number Four because that will give her hope that she isn’t alone.
The Rise of Nine: Nine thought he was alone. But then he met John and their combined strength made them even more powerful. However, they had to separate.
Now Nine is in Spain. He went to get Seven but he found something else, a tenth member of their group, one that is younger but just as strong.
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What Is The Next Book in The Lorien Legacies Series?
There doesn't seem to be an upcoming book in The Lorien Legacies Series. The newest book is United as One and was released on June, 28th 2016.