Wyoming Books

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The Wyoming series otherwise known as the A Journey of the Heart series is a series of historical and romantic series of novels by Colleen Cobble. The series is set in the military forts of the Arizona and Wyoming territories of the United States, during the years of the Indian Wars immediately after the Civil War. The first novel of the series was “Where Leads the Heart” that Cobble published in 1997.

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Order of Wyoming Series

# Read Title Published Details
1 Where Leads the Heart ( By: Colleen Coble) 1997 Description / Buy
2 Plains of Promise ( By: Colleen Coble) 1999 Description / Buy
3 The Heart Answers ( By: Colleen Coble) 1999 Description / Buy
4 To Love a Stranger ( By: Colleen Coble) 2000 Description / Buy
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The Wyoming series of novels is a mix of historical and romance narratives involving several women and their rivalry in romance. The women live in the forts of the frontiers of the United States where there is an intense war between soldiers and natives. The wars make for a delicious background to the romance in the novels offering tension and danger for the romance between the women and the men they want.

“Where Leads the Heart” is the debut novel of the Wyoming series that tells the story of Sarah Montgomery and her fiance Rand. Sarah just got the news that her fiance Rand Campbell had met an untimely death in the Civil War. which leaves her distraught. Soon after she gets engaged to another man who promises to take care of her. It soon comes to light that her soon to be husband knew all along that Rand was not dead and had kept the information to himself. It is not long before her former fiance Rand rides into town to throw everything into disarray.

It is a beautiful story of love and romance set in the Arizona frontier bulwark of Fort Laramie. With the Indian Sioux War raging, it makes for an excellent historical lesson and a beautiful romance that shows why Cobble is deemed one of the best writers of the Indian Wars period.


Plains of Promise: The first novel is one of the best novels of the series. The lead character of the novel is Emma Croftner who comes to the realization that the person she believed was her husband had been married to someone else. The life and house that her husband had left to her is not hers but another woman’s.

She goes to Fort Laramie where she can get food, board, and security while she ponders her next move. It is at the fort that she meets with Isaac Liddle, the man who turns her knees into jelly and makes her believe and love again.

The Heart Answers: The delightful second novel of the Wyoming series. The lead is Jessica a beautiful red head with a pretty face who believes there is no man that could resist her charms. But Clay Cole is a different kind of man who does not seem susceptible and in fact seems to laugh at her, which sends her into a rage. But when both of them express an interest in adopting a destitute child, Jessica believes that they need to marry though Clay asserts that she is too selfish for him to ever consider marriage.

Jessica surprises herself when she is willing to do anything including change her ways if that is what it takes to get Clay. But it will take God to forgive her transgressions and have Clay change his perception of her.

To Love a Stranger: Another great novel of the Wyoming series is the fourth novel of the series. Bessie Randall finds herself married to a stranger Jasper Mendenhall, thanks to her sister putting her nose where it does not belong. Bessie has never managed to attract any other man given that she is just a plain girl who never bothered with sprucing herself up. She now heads up to Fort Bridger, where she hopes marriage holds better tidings for her life.


If you liked the Wyoming series of novels you would undoubtedly love “The Sheikhs New Bride” series by Holly Rayner. The series follows normal American girls who are seduced by a Middle Eastern Sheikh which makes for an explosive combination and clash of culture.

Many fans of the “Wyoming” series of novels also liked the “Blizzard” series of novels by Adele Huxley. These are romantic suspense thrillers with a dark premise featuring Liz and Bryan who struggle to reconcile their past romantic past with the present that is still full of stupid decisions.

What Is The Next Book in The Wyoming Series?

There doesn't seem to be an upcoming book in The Wyoming Series. The newest book is To Love a Stranger and was released on January, 10th 2000.

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1 thought on “Wyoming”

  1. These books just didn’t really do it for me. It was kind of cool to have a historical aspect to eh storyline, but if I want a history lesson, I’ll read a history book or do a Google search, ya know? When I read a romance book, I want a romance book. The history lesson just gets distracting. That’s just me though. The books are decent enough, just not for me!

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